Sunday 15 April 2012

Olympic Fitness

A lot of people I've noticed go to the gym and do what's called "recreational lifting". Recreational lifting is where you simply walk into the gym and do exercises like bench press, curls, dips, etc. Now that's good for people who are just working out for the sake of working out but for the people who really want be advanced in their training and be powerful and explosive for sports you need to do something called olympic lifting.

Olympic lifting is an essential part of becoming more fit and powerful. The difference between recreational and olympic is one is static movement. Meaning your standing still and basically not doing an exercise to your full potential, while olympic lifts involve almost your whole body in a swift powerful and explosive movement.

Here is a great program that anyone could start to do so they can really become more powerful and explosive in their workouts. ( click on link)

But remember you must have proper form for one that you don't hurt yourself and two you get the most out of it!!!

Olympic Lifting Program

Also here is a video of olympic lifting!

Healthy Choices

Exercise and fitness you may think is all about running or going to the gym and trying to get in shape from just working out. Well just working out will only get you so far...

You have to add nutrition into your life to really become a fit person.

An easy way of finding out what to eat to get proper nutrition without looking up diets and other things is to look up a thing called super foods. Super  foods are food that have the most nutrition and are the best things to eat. Remember these are not all you should eat but it is a good start!

List of top 10 super foods...

1) Dark Green Vegetables                  6) Sweet potatoes or yams
2) Legumes and lentils                        7) Quinoa
3) Nuts and seeds                                8) Cinnamon
4) Berries                                            9) Canola and olive oil
5) Wild salmon                                   10) Soy

Check out this link for more information on each of the 10 super foods...

Super Foods!

Park Workout

Here is a workout I saw the other day and thought was very interesting. It is called simply "Park Workout" The Park Workout is done at any park at anytime. This is for people who can't make it to a gym or can't afford a gym membership. There are always ways to get fit and do exercise.

Check out this video for a demonstration of a park workout.

For every person out there who can't make it to a gym, just know there is always a way to get fit and this is one of them!

I tried it out and it was one of the toughest workouts I've done. So go out there and try it!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Motivation for doing exercise and fitness

From many different experiences I've had in my life with being involved in sports and and training and exercise and fitness I've really noticed problems with motivation. Motivation is probably the most important thing when doing exercise and fitness because without motivation you won't do anything....

Getting the proper motivation involves telling yourself you can do something. Such as I can run 10km, I can go to the gym, I can go get fit. It all starts with the mind. Whenever I train one thing my trainer says is that "I can't" is a swear word. People should make that their own personal swear word and see where it takes them. 

Ways To Get Motivation

Three of the best ways I get motivation...

1.  From my personal trainer. He is a very motivational man and always seems to find a way to motivate me no matter what mood I'm in. For other people if they don't have a trainer they could find a friend or a relative that can help them get up and get motivated. You just need someone to push you.

2. Motivational videos. Motivational videos play a big role for me because it gives me a visual of other people's hard work and it gives me a mental challenge to see what their doing and beat them. 

3. Role models. Having a role model is one of the best ways to get motivated. My motivational person is Usain Bolt. Bolt is the fastest man in the world and is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen. Having a person like this really helps you to push yourself.

So hopefully everyone can get up and get motivated to exercise and get fit!

Check out this motivational video....

Why I Chose This Topic

The reason I have chosen to focus my blog about exercise and fitness is because pretty much since I was old enough to start working out I have been hooked on exercise and fitness. Since I can remember I have played sports such as...
- hockey
- football
- lacrosse
- track and field
- soccer
- basketball

Exercise and fitness are in my blood. I've trained with some of the best in the world such as olympic and world class sprinters Tyson Gay and Donovan Bailey and also my own personal trainer and friend Marc Messier.

Exercise and Fitness is really important to me and I hope that people looking at this blog will get the same joy and success that I have gotten from being involved with fitness and exercise all my life.