Sunday 15 April 2012

Olympic Fitness

A lot of people I've noticed go to the gym and do what's called "recreational lifting". Recreational lifting is where you simply walk into the gym and do exercises like bench press, curls, dips, etc. Now that's good for people who are just working out for the sake of working out but for the people who really want be advanced in their training and be powerful and explosive for sports you need to do something called olympic lifting.

Olympic lifting is an essential part of becoming more fit and powerful. The difference between recreational and olympic is one is static movement. Meaning your standing still and basically not doing an exercise to your full potential, while olympic lifts involve almost your whole body in a swift powerful and explosive movement.

Here is a great program that anyone could start to do so they can really become more powerful and explosive in their workouts. ( click on link)

But remember you must have proper form for one that you don't hurt yourself and two you get the most out of it!!!

Olympic Lifting Program

Also here is a video of olympic lifting!

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